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First Meeting Of The Board Of Directors Of The Network Of Cities With Lakes In 2017

The first annual meeting of the «Network of Cities with Lakes» Board of Directors was held on Friday 20th January 2017, in Athens.

During the meeting several administrative and technical issues were discussed, such as the statutory role of the Network in the preparation of the draft laws related to the lakes, the actions for cooperation with other Municipalities and Districts abroad (for instance Odessa Oblast) and the Network’s contribution to achieve the objectives that the European Union has set for reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 40% until 2030, as a body that supports the initiative of the Covenant of Mayors. In this context, the Board members were informed about the content of the guidance NEXUS, which describes the indissoluble connection between water and energy.

Furthermore, all the Board Members agreed the Annual General Meeting of the Network to be held on the 18th & 19th of March in the city of Agrinio,  defined the agenda of the meeting while they also approved a two-day thematic conference entitled «Lake Amvrakia: Our known unknown lake. Eternal source of life», co-organised by the Municipality of Amfilochia, which will take place in the city of Amfilochia on 16 & 17 March 2017.

At the end of the meeting, the Board of Directors had the pleasure to welcome one more new member at the Network. This new member is the Municipality of Kalavrita, which has a variety of natural lakes of extraordinary beauty into the Cave of the Lakes (13 escalating lakes), and also two very significant artificial ones, the lake of Ladonas and the lake of Doxa.