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Welcome to the online platform of “Network of Cities with Lakes”

«Network of Cities with Lakes»

Network of Cities with Lakes, is a private Non Profit Company seated at the seat of the Municipality of Dorida. The Network encounters to date 43 members from Greece, Cyprus and Albania.

Country with highest number of lakes: Finland

Country with lowest number of lakes: Malta

Largest lake in Europe: Vänern – Sweden

Number of Lakes in Europe: 439.959
Number of Lakes in Greece: 65
Number of Lakes in Cyprus: 3

Network objectives

Documentation of the current situation and identification of common problems

Documentation of the existing situation and identification of common problems recorded in the network lakes and the areas around them.

Sustainable management of the lakes best preservation strategies

Creation of a number of directives for the sustainable management of lakes by applying best preservation strategies as regards to natural lakes and reservoirs in relation to the natural and human built environment.

Mapping water systems database

The conduct of mapping of the European water systems, in order to create a database that will store all available information regarding the location, lakes and reservoirs morphometry and in which the problems of the area will be recorded.

Public awareness change of human behavior

The creation of a number of directives about the sustainable management of the lakes by applying the best preservation strategies as regards to natural lakes and reservoirs in relation to natural and human built environment

“Nature never goes out of style.”

“For many of us, clean water is so plentiful and readily available that we rarely, if ever, pause to consider what life would be like without it.”

Marcus Samuelsson

“Water is to me, I confess, a phenomenon which continually awakens new feelings of wonder as often as I view it.”

Michael Faraday

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”

Albert Einstein

“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.”


“Water is the driving force of all nature.”

Leonardo Da Vinci

“Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.”

Lao Zu